Tuesday 27 November 2012

ABOUT I NEED A FRIEND (INF) PROJECT ( Children 4 Children Mission)


I NEED A FRIEND is a project of Missionary Children founded by Stephen Kagoio and Br. Jay with the aim of empowering children to discover their potentials and to use these potentials to improve their Lives.
Our mission is to search for talents, to empower and use the same talents to give hope to poor and abandon children and to those in confounded situations
And so we are animating the groups of talented children in our neighbourhoods. With them we are Singing, Dancing, Acrobats and Playing Soccer. We are reaching out to the society giving a message about the well being of all children with a predilection to those who are living in the slums and streets.
With the help from our friends we started the RESCUE MY CHILD CAMPAIGN which ams at improving the living condition of our children.
This Campaign  is planning conducts Holiday's Camps in the slums. The camps aim at helping the children not to engage into risk behaviours which could undo whatever they acquire in school.

We see genuine smiles in the faces of children in the slums......we see them living in simple but dignified shelters
We see Children's ability to stand up tall and speak about their experiances and demanding their rights....through the use of Art

ü  We have been motivated by the Gospel; especially on the account of the multiplication of bread (John 6:9), "Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish”.
ü  St. Don Bosco who dedicated his entire life to the poor and abandoned Children/Youth and who through his own boys his mission spread all over the world.
ü  Bosco Boys Lang’ata - Music/Reachout
ü  Kuwinda Slum - Acrobats
ü  Utume Oratory - Savio Kids FC.
ü  Mutuini - Music and Elocution
    Korogocho - RESCUE MY CHILD...
*Discovering talents (searching)
*Empowering children’s talents( self realization and appropriation)
Using talents (e.g. Sketch & Music) to reach to many ‘friends’ ( giving hope and inspiration)
*To enhance children to attain their desired adulthood
Giving hope to the hopeless Children
*Improving the Living Condition of our children
*Stage Performance
*Charitable visits (imparting hope): Hospitals esp. children wards, Juvenile Prisons and Rehabilitation Centers.
*Motivation talks, Debates etc.
*Training life skills (music, singing & dancing
ü  Stephen Kagoio ( founder, and Music Trainer)
ü  Br.Jay (  founder Program Co coordinator)
ü  Charles Makale - RESCUE MY CHILD.
     Phillip Maina - Acrobats..
ü  The I.N.F Councilors ; Brs. Leo Nathan, Nicodemus Omboro and Severien Ufitamaholo (Utume
I.N.F Facebook Group and page likers are our friends and well wishers
We have managed to record five songs; two are complete; three are still processed in studio ( we are planning to record 5 more)
We have started a reach out programs
We have received several invitations for stage performance for various occasions
We have started the RESCUE MY CHILD CAMPAIGN
We have started an ACROBAT group and Savio Kids FC.
Motto: A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed


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